Indiana University Develops Real-Time COVID-19 Diagnostic Tests
Indiana University researchers from the School of Informatics and Computing at IUPUI and the Schoo…
Indiana University researchers from the School of Informatics and Computing at IUPUI and the Schoo…
Battelle and The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center have jointly developed a new rapid, se…
The Philippines Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced on Monday that it has approved COVID-1…
Professor Jackie Ying, who heads the NanoBio Lab at the Agency for Science, Technology and Research…
Fluxergy LLC, a research and medical diagnostic test company based in Irvine California, has submit…
Abbott announced today that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued Emergency Use Au…
Bosch Healthcare Solutions, together with Randox Laboratories Ltd., has developed one of the world’…
Researchers in the Department of Biomedical Engineering— a shared department in the schools of Dent…
Incorporating artificial intelligence, image processing, molecular virology and vast experience in …
T2 Biosystems, Inc., a leader in the rapid detection of sepsis-causing pathogens, today announced t…
PathSensors Inc, a Baltimore biotechnology company, announced today that they are developing a CANA…
Heat Biologics, a publicly traded North Carolina biotechnology company, is adding a rapid point-of-…
To combat the lack of availability of tests, NxGen MDx announces the immediate launch and availabil…
Chembio Diagnostics, Inc., a leading point-of-care diagnostic company focused on infectious disease…
The Georgia Esoteric and Molecular Laboratory at the Medical College of Georgia Department of Patho…
Cepheid announced it has received Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) from the U.S. Food & Drug A…
Rheonix Inc., a leader in highly automated molecular diagnostics, announced it is developing a coro…
Avellino announced today that it is adding additional production shifts for its newly developed cor…
Scanwell Health, a developer of smartphone-enabled, at-home diagnostics, announced today that it ha…
20/20 BioResponse, a business unit of 20/20 GeneSystems, Inc. announced today that it will begin ta…
GenMark Diagnostics, Inc., a leading provider of automated, multiplex molecular diagnostic testing …
Molecular diagnostics company XCR Diagnostics has successfully completed the verification and valid…
As more Covid-19 cases appear in the United States and around the world, the need for fast, easy-to…
BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company), a leading global medical technology company, and BioGX Inc, a m…
WuXi Diagnostics has successfully developed a series of COVID-19 detection products, including 2019…
My E.G. Services Berhad (MyEG) has a rapid testing kit for the COVID-19 coronavirus (2019-nCoV) and…