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Atrys is Developing a Point of Care Graphene Technology-Based Biosensor to Detect COVID-19

Atrys Health, in collaboration with researchers from the Complutense University of Madrid and the University of Granada, is already working on the development of a portable diagnostic device “Point of Care” (tests from which the result is obtained immediately) based on graphene technology, which will allow detection with high reliability and in less than 15 minutes of COVID-19.

This kit, called RAP-ID19 will combine the advantages of the two techniques that have been most used so far for the diagnosis of the disease: on the one hand, the high specificity and sensitivity of the PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) technique; and, secondly, the speed of diagnosis and the need for specialized personnel of the RADTs (rapid antigen detection tests).

This will be achieved thanks to the graphene technology (GFET) used in its development, which allows making highly sensitive and instantaneous measurements using small amounts of sample thanks to the high electronic conductivity of graphene. In this sense, GFET-Point of Care biosensors represent a complete alternative for the massive, fast and reliable detection of COVID-19 due to its high sensitivity, specificity, speed, easy use, handling safety, as well as portability.

Another advantage of this Atrys device will be that end users will not be limited to testing by highly qualified professionals of the Health System, so it could be implemented as a detection tool in nursing homes; work and educational centers; airports, railway and bus stations.

Finally, by using a quantitative method, RAP-ID19 will allow quantifying the amount of virus, that is, the patient’s viral load, a factor potentially influencing the evolution of patients.

Financing of the SUPERA COVID-19 Fund

The project, which has an estimated duration of nine months, has been one of the seven selected within the SUPERA COVID-19 Fund of the Banco de Santander and Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities.

The consortium that will carry out the RAP-ID19, with extensive experience in all the scientific aspects of this proposal and close prior collaboration, will receive financial assistance from the SUPERA COVID-19 Fund to develop the project and achieve a potentially marketable device.

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